About us

Meet the team.

Isabelle Van Hecke

Isabelle Van Hecke

Isabelle’s background

After graduating as a Romanist, I literally rolled into teaching/education. After a few years, business life beckoned. Gradually I discovered my commercial skills and finally, in 1998, I took the step to what is still for me, the wonderful world of HR. The best decision ever as I get a lot of energy from working with and for people. Seeing people really happy in the role they take on with my customer, that’s what I do it for!

What makes Isabelle happy

Positive and energetic people around me, satisfied customers, connecting with people, building a sustainable network make me happy . A good glass of wine, a nice dinner, a cultural trip, a city trip or long journey, a good book, a walk, a party with friends or just lazing in the sun… it makes me all happy!

Sandra Gummersbach

Sandra Gummersbach

Sandra’s background

After my Marketing studies, I took my first HR steps as a 22-year-young and have never left the HR world since then. I also filled my backpack with a UAMS Personnel Management course. In 2014 I started as an HR freelancer and in between I already enjoyed acting as a matchmaker every now and then. I love sparring with other freelancers and my contacts with clients give me a lot of energy. Working as a matchmaker is the ideal job for me.

What makes Sandra happy

Viva la Vida! Beautiful song and so true… Trying to enjoy what life has to offer as much as possible, such as eating and drinking and partying with family, friends, colleagues. Exercise a few times a week and occasionally travel that makes me happy and I want to do that as much as possible. 😁

Tim Cuypers

Tim Cuypers

Tim’s background

I graduated as a Master in Commercial Sciences and now have more than 15 years of management experience in various HR companies. My style is no-nonsense with respect for people. My strength is to dare to ask the necessary questions or to give feedback when necessary.

What makes Tim happy

Seeing people grow – both privately and professionally – really makes me happy. “Embrace every setback, dare to challenge yourself and don’t forget to be very proud of yourself afterwards.” In addition, you always please me with a good chat.

Sabine Gekiere

Sabine Gekiere

Sabine’s background

As a Germanist, I got a taste for HR when I ended up in a personnel department. I followed an interesting HR Management course at EHSAL that motivated me even more to work with and for people. In my almost 28-year career as HR & Training Director at McDonald’s, Employee satisfaction, motivation, engagement and experience has been one of my hobbyhorses. These have an undeniable and demonstrable impact on customer satisfaction and business results. Say EX comes before CX 😊

What makes Sabine happy

Cliché maybe, but the simple things in life make me happy: family, social contacts, nice work, being able to contribute, being there for the others, dinners, shopping, white wine evenings with friends, respect, positivity, humor, travel , beautiful interiors, optimism, and laughing, laughing… to tears.

I know Isabelle as a driven, ambitious, kind-hearted and amusing person with a passion for people. Isabelle is the first person I think of when I'm looking for HR professionals who can work well with me. Because of her authentic approach, where the customer and HR professional are central, she knows exactly which person to connect to whom. In addition to these capacities, she has an enormous network in the HR world, so that I could always rely on her help in case of an urgent need. Thank you Isabelle for the good professional care! I will be thinking of you again at the next assignment!